PIVOT PivotPro Descriptions
PivotPro - Recipient of PGA "New Product" Award and World's First Patented pivot training aid for golfers of all caliber and ages. With its easy to use and versatile design, PivotPro is a revolutionary golf training aid that is specifically designed to promote correct pivoting in your golf swing. USED BY TOURING PROFESSIONALS.* EXCESSIVE SWAY - swaying hips result in a poor weight shift, and power loss·* OVER THE TOP MOVE - It prevents casting of the club and over the top move· * REVERSE PIVOT - If you suffer from reverse pivoting, lack of club head speed or a balanced finish.* MASTER to stay centered over the ball.* MASTER to swing the club on the correct plain.* MASTER a powerful coil.* MASTER your spine angle.* MASTER proper footwork and balance.
- PivotPro - World's First Patented pivot training aid.
- Stop Swaying and Reverse Pivot
- Load Properly - Like The Pro's Do
- Master to stay centered over the ball.
- Master to swing the club on the correct plain.